@barray on Thu Jun 24 03:07:21 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Thu Jun 24 02:59:54 UTC 2021 said: &e
The latest episode of #supermanandlois was not so bad, still quite a bit of story building ongoing. The latest #theflash episode is just filler, a #bteam 'look, we are great too' bullshit. They are also *really* trying to establish the new #black character they shoehorned in recently, and to be completely honest, they are making it a lot more awkward. Looking forward to the next #loki episode though.
#theflash is getting very #socialjustice - like *alot* more than it used to be. The other day it was about #redistributing the #wealth - and now it's about #mexican girls hunting the evil #white doctor - increasingly they are working more with the evil characters... Do they even realize that the more #leftwing the story becomes, the more their characters work with evil?