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@barray on Wed Sep 22 20:55:07 UTC 2021 said: &e
Looks like #trump has found a way to #fund his 2024 #president #campaign in the #us by #suing the #newyorktimes for #publishing his #confidential #tax records: https://timcast.com/news/trump-files-100.. Not only this, but they got the situation entirely *wrong* - notice how they no longer discuss his tax records!
@barray on Wed Sep 15 22:12:36 UTC 2021 said: &e
This spat between #trump and #mikemilley will be worth watching, there are some *massive* claims being made: https://www.lotuseaters.com/trump-labels.. It appears that Mike Milley might be spiralling out of control, after failing a #evacuation in #afghanistan and claiming that Trump wanted to #nuke #china 's #ccp ... Trump was brash, but not that bloody brash.
@barray on Fri Sep 10 21:46:55 UTC 2021 said: &e
There's something to be said when the #us #capitol gets more #security than #citizens trapped in #afghanistan https://www.lotuseaters.com/us-capitol-s.. Apparently the reason for increased security is because there will be a pro- #trump #rally ... #biden could not possibly act any more #insecure ...
@barray on Wed Aug 25 10:48:59 UTC 2021 said: &e
Well, this is a pretty damning #video of the #us 's #president #biden by former President #trump https://cdn.donaldjtrump.com/djtweb/lp/n.. Big ouch. More commentary here: https://www.lotuseaters.com/trump-releas..
@barray on Fri Aug 06 03:02:30 UTC 2021 said: &e
#jonathanpie still blaming #trump after he's been out of office for about a year now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyEtLS-9.. He appears to have a selective memory about what happened at the #capitol - no officers actually died as a result (and all deaths happened well after the event), the one death was the police shooting a #rioter , a small number of #protestors that day broke in despite warnings from #protestors - a normally #public building. Trump even actively told people *not* to do this.
@barray on Thu Jul 08 08:39:46 UTC 2021 said: &e
Apparently #trump will launch a #lawsuite against #facebook and #twitter for #cancelculture and #deplatform 'ing of people in the #us https://www.lotuseaters.com/trump-to-ann.. Seems like a pretty bold move, let's see what comes of it.
@barray on Thu Jun 10 17:56:08 UTC 2021 said: &e
Very interesting discussion by #aardvark about #china dominating the#tech industry https://aardvark.co.nz/daily/2021/0610.s.. It could be too much, too late for the #us to be pulling this. Bare in mind the #democrats have been pushing back on #trump warning of exactly this for 4 years prior - just because it was his policy.
@barray on Mon Jun 07 20:33:23 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Mon Jun 07 01:46:39 UTC 2021 said: &e
Yet another institution falling short on #freespeech https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/06/us/ac.. The #aclu apparently defended the fundamental rights of the #nazis and #kkk - but somebody who says "trans women are not women" (for example) is apparently too much to stomach. Something went very wrong when misgendering somebody is worse than Nazi death camps...
The #aclu replied to the #freespeech loss charge by the #nytimes https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-libertie.. They raise some good points, including supporting #trump 's right to use #facebook and #twitter - despite this stance not being popular. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on this one for now.
@barray on Fri Jun 04 04:06:04 UTC 2021 said: &e
#aoc unashamedly using her ill grandmother to boo #trump 's preview policies and praise #biden 's - despite Biden doing nothing to help: https://www.lotuseaters.com/alexandria-o.. Also bare in mind she is earning a considerable amount of money and has chosen *not* to help her grandmother. There is no doubt that she is a top level #grifter
@barray on Fri Jun 04 03:59:38 UTC 2021 said: &e
Something weird is happening with #trump - watch this space: https://www.lotuseaters.com/donald-trump..
@barray on Sat May 29 03:34:04 UTC 2021 said: &e
Interesting how #us politics has turned the #covid #lableak 'conspiracy' from being a #trump mad dream to being a very real possibility: https://www.lotuseaters.com/united-state.. Trump was literally talking about this back in February and March last year. Now we are supposed to take it seriously because Biden says it.
@barray on Fri May 28 04:41:12 UTC 2021 said: &e
Now #biden is in power, a #lableak for #covid no longer seems all that crazy: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articl.. One of the first things he did when he got in power was cancel a #trump led investigation into the possibility of a lab leak - something he is now restarting. China have now had over a year to remove all evidence of any wrong doing... As the article states, we are unlikely to ever know the true origin thanks to them.
@barray on Thu May 27 02:01:39 UTC 2021 said: &e
Oh dear... Looks as if #biden 's own press secretary is throwing him under the bus: https://www.lotuseaters.com/white-house-.. #trump made mistakes for sure, but I believe he was at least mindful of them. Biden appears to be completely unaware of what he's doing. The #us government's policy is now to filter *all* news before it gets published... Insane.