Looks like #trump has found a way to #fund his 2024 #president #campaign in the #us by #suing the #newyorktimes for #publishing his #confidential #tax records: https://timcast.com/news/trump-files-100.. Not only this, but they got the situation entirely *wrong* - notice how they no longer discuss his tax records!
This spat between #trump and #mikemilley will be worth watching, there are some *massive* claims being made: https://www.lotuseaters.com/trump-labels.. It appears that Mike Milley might be spiralling out of control, after failing a #evacuation in #afghanistan and claiming that Trump wanted to #nuke #china 's #ccp ... Trump was brash, but not that bloody brash.
There's something to be said when the #us #capitol gets more #security than #citizens trapped in #afghanistan https://www.lotuseaters.com/us-capitol-s.. Apparently the reason for increased security is because there will be a pro- #trump #rally ... #biden could not possibly act any more #insecure ...
Well, this is a pretty damning #video of the #us 's #president #biden by former President #trump https://cdn.donaldjtrump.com/djtweb/lp/n.. Big ouch. More commentary here: https://www.lotuseaters.com/trump-releas..
#jonathanpie still blaming #trump after he's been out of office for about a year now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyEtLS-9.. He appears to have a selective memory about what happened at the #capitol - no officers actually died as a result (and all deaths happened well after the event), the one death was the police shooting a #rioter , a small number of #protestors that day broke in despite warnings from #protestors - a normally #public building. Trump even actively told people *not* to do this.
Apparently #trump will launch a #lawsuite against #facebook and #twitter for #cancelculture and #deplatform 'ing of people in the #us https://www.lotuseaters.com/trump-to-ann.. Seems like a pretty bold move, let's see what comes of it.
Very interesting discussion by #aardvark about #china dominating the#tech industry https://aardvark.co.nz/daily/2021/0610.s.. It could be too much, too late for the #us to be pulling this. Bare in mind the #democrats have been pushing back on #trump warning of exactly this for 4 years prior - just because it was his policy.
@barray on Mon Jun 07 01:46:39 UTC 2021 said: &eThe #aclu replied to the #freespeech loss charge by the #nytimes https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-libertie.. They raise some good points, including supporting #trump 's right to use #facebook and #twitter - despite this stance not being popular. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on this one for now.Yet another institution falling short on #freespeech https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/06/us/ac.. The #aclu apparently defended the fundamental rights of the #nazis and #kkk - but somebody who says "trans women are not women" (for example) is apparently too much to stomach. Something went very wrong when misgendering somebody is worse than Nazi death camps...
#aoc unashamedly using her ill grandmother to boo #trump 's preview policies and praise #biden 's - despite Biden doing nothing to help: https://www.lotuseaters.com/alexandria-o.. Also bare in mind she is earning a considerable amount of money and has chosen *not* to help her grandmother. There is no doubt that she is a top level #grifter
Something weird is happening with #trump - watch this space: https://www.lotuseaters.com/donald-trump..
Interesting how #us politics has turned the #covid #lableak 'conspiracy' from being a #trump mad dream to being a very real possibility: https://www.lotuseaters.com/united-state.. Trump was literally talking about this back in February and March last year. Now we are supposed to take it seriously because Biden says it.
Now #biden is in power, a #lableak for #covid no longer seems all that crazy: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articl.. One of the first things he did when he got in power was cancel a #trump led investigation into the possibility of a lab leak - something he is now restarting. China have now had over a year to remove all evidence of any wrong doing... As the article states, we are unlikely to ever know the true origin thanks to them.
Oh dear... Looks as if #biden 's own press secretary is throwing him under the bus: https://www.lotuseaters.com/white-house-.. #trump made mistakes for sure, but I believe he was at least mindful of them. Biden appears to be completely unaware of what he's doing. The #us government's policy is now to filter *all* news before it gets published... Insane.