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@barray on Sat Apr 16 23:11:54 UTC 2022 said: &e
Okay, this #papertape #reader is pretty awesome! https://hackaday.com/2022/04/16/paper-ta.. In #theory it could be a way to get large amounts of high #reliable #memory for #storage !
@barray on Sat Aug 07 04:56:50 UTC 2021 said: &e
I like the idea of having #papers read out to me using #texttospeech https://papertime.app/ It's a little rough around the edges, but really not bad! I am actually thinking this could be great for a new #rss #feed #reader to convert #text to #audio !
@barray on Thu Aug 05 06:15:06 UTC 2021 said: &e
Regarding a new #rss #feed #reader to replace #akregator - one of the features I wish they all have is to parse #html (basically a different #xml format) - most #websites that have an RSS button also offer a list of content somewhere, it should be entirely possible to process... I actually don't want a content preview - I just want to know what links are new for the most part.
@barray on Tue Aug 03 22:21:31 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Tue Aug 03 05:47:01 UTC 2021 said: &e
#akregator is now at *1.3GB* of #ram ... For all that RAM use it's not even that fast... Bare in mind that its only real job is to fetch an #xml #rss #feed - it doesn't even recover from #reboot very well either (feeds are forgotten). It's impressive that for what should be a simple program, it actually isn't. I'll keep an eye on it... I legitimately could do a better job than this.
#akregator is now at *1.6GB* - bare in mind this is just an #rss #feed #reader ! Either it is trying to store *all* content in #ram - or there is a #memoryleak ... I really suspect this is what caused my #laptop to #crash just the other day. I'll attempt to contact them on #irc - but not holding my breath.
@barray on Mon Aug 02 21:57:00 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Mon Aug 02 21:46:21 UTC 2021 said: &e
#akregator , the #rss #feed #reader I use is currently using 1.1GB of #ram after just a day... I suspect there might be a #memoryleak or some form of inefficiency here... Is it trying to load *all* of the content actively into RAM? According to this article, apparently it is quite crash prone: https://linuxreviews.org/Akregator Half the problem appears to be the use of the #qtwebengine - it essentially has a whole freaking web browser built in.
I genuinely believe I could do a better job if I built an #rss #feed #reader myself. Do away with the #webengine - get everything out of #ram - build using the principles of #kiss ... It should be using 64MB of RAM, not over 1GB of RAM. Insanity.
@barray on Mon Aug 02 21:46:21 UTC 2021 said: &e
#akregator , the #rss #feed #reader I use is currently using 1.1GB of #ram after just a day... I suspect there might be a #memoryleak or some form of inefficiency here... Is it trying to load *all* of the content actively into RAM? According to this article, apparently it is quite crash prone: https://linuxreviews.org/Akregator Half the problem appears to be the use of the #qtwebengine - it essentially has a whole freaking web browser built in.
@barray on Mon Jul 19 03:58:39 UTC 2021 said: &e
So I have been using #akregator as an #rss #feed #reader for a few weeks now, and generally it is quite good. I do have a few problems with it though. 1. It doesn't support #arrowkeys in the lists, meaning you have to do a *lot* of clicking. 2. If it #crashes or is forced-closed for some reason, it doesn't remember what you have already read. 3. The search feature doesn't allow you to open up an associated feed easily. 4. The import feed should be able to just take a list of #feed #urls - #opml is wonky.