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@barray on Sun Sep 05 13:53:00 UTC 2021 said: &e
Having to rewatch the #nottinghill #film after it came up recently in a #podcast I was listening to, which was on my #backlog to watch after some housemates watched it without me. A great #movie so far, looking forward to finishing it whilst I work.
@barray on Mon Aug 30 18:26:44 UTC 2021 said: &e
I can't believe the #film #oblivion is almost 8 years old now - still a great film starring #tomcruise ... The graphics still hold up nicely, the film's premise is great and it's generally a really great #movie - not something some of the crap coming out during the #covid #pandemic will be able to say.
@barray on Thu Aug 26 06:49:56 UTC 2021 said: &e
Just watched the #film #exmachina again, it reminded me of how epic and scary #generalintelligence will be. I really hope that I will be involved in the process of creating it, but also guiding the #research in such a way to avoid such dangers. Also, that #bunker would be easily #escapable at the end of the #movie ...
@barray on Wed Aug 25 13:17:23 UTC 2021 said: &e
Just finished watching the #matrix #trilogy - what an awesome set of #films ... I really hope the new Matrix #film will not ruin what is otherwise a perfect set of films. I believe there is still much of the story to be told... But we'll see!
@barray on Sat Aug 07 12:16:19 UTC 2021 said: &e
One of the best lines in the #film #thematrix is "we cannot see past the decisions we do not understand" - it's almost correct, but that sounds better for the film. Actually, we cannot see past the things we cannot #model . One time I was in #asda and burst out laughing, my friends think I've gone mad and ask why. I say "that man stacking bottles is about to drop them", and 5 seconds after he did. You can #predict the #future if you understand the #present ...
@barray on Mon Aug 02 20:51:40 UTC 2021 said: &e
The #film #afterearth featuring #willsmith and his son #jadensmith is not a bad film, but I feel like it needed some work for the story telling. The son goes from weak to strong in the very last minute because his dead sister's ghost tells him too. The part at the end where the Dad says "stand me up" is pretty compelling, but there are a few gaps in the story before that. For example, at the end you either believe the son became a robot like his Dad, or a shadow in his legacy.
@barray on Thu Jul 29 19:35:40 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Thu Jul 29 18:25:53 UTC 2021 said: &e
To be fair, there was reference to #tokyodrift in the latest #fastandfurious #film - as well as references to pretty much all of the other films. I guess they needed to in order to establish why there was a secret brother this whole time. Still less than half way through though, so let's see.
Okay, the new #fastandfurious #film is pretty insane. They literally go to #space ... Also I don't know why they won't let the #brian character die as he did in real life. Honestly I found myself getting #bored - it was simply too much of a stretch of belief.
@barray on Thu Jul 29 18:25:53 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Thu Jul 29 17:35:34 UTC 2021 said: &e
Watching the new #fastandfurious #film - it's just as ridiculous as you might imagine. I know the series now appeals to a wider audience, but I genuinely miss the car culture of the original films. #tokyodrift was so close to bringing it back too. Still time for it to get better, but the #landmine scene is not selling that reality so far.
To be fair, there was reference to #tokyodrift in the latest #fastandfurious #film - as well as references to pretty much all of the other films. I guess they needed to in order to establish why there was a secret brother this whole time. Still less than half way through though, so let's see.
@barray on Thu Jul 29 17:35:34 UTC 2021 said: &e
Watching the new #fastandfurious #film - it's just as ridiculous as you might imagine. I know the series now appeals to a wider audience, but I genuinely miss the car culture of the original films. #tokyodrift was so close to bringing it back too. Still time for it to get better, but the #landmine scene is not selling that reality so far.
@barray on Thu Jul 29 02:12:24 UTC 2021 said: &e
Currently watching "The Day The Earth Stood Still" from 2008, a pretty good #film about an #alien #invasion ... There are some massive actors in this film, including #keanureeves and many others. I think it holds up pretty well all things considered.
@barray on Sat Jul 17 11:06:05 UTC 2021 said: &e
Funny, but also weird how #jetli refused to be in #thematrix #film because he didn't want his fighting digitised (which it already is): https://www.scmp.com/abacus/culture/arti.. The joke is, technology is now so advanced that he isn't even required, a computer could feasibly think of new fighting techniques that he has not yet considered, in the blink of a second.
@barray on Thu Jul 08 08:29:10 UTC 2021 said: &e
"You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in it's mouth!" - A great quote from #churchill from the film #darkesthour - a very good #film about #british #uk #history ...